Resource Centre for PRTRs

Development of this site

This site has been developed by the OECD's Task Force on PRTRs (Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers), which is part of the Environment, Health and Safety Programme. Canada served as a lead country in the development of this website. Then Finnish Environment Institute SYKE maintained the webpage and converted it into the current HTML-page. This page is not anymore updated.

Purpose of the Resource Centre

The site provides a clearinghouse of guidance manuals and documents on release estimation techniques available from the principal pollutant release and transfer registries developed by OECD member countries. The manuals and documents include descriptive information on the sources of pollution and the pollutants that are released to the environment, as well as information on emission factors, mass balance methods, engineering calculations, and monitoring information. To assist countries in the development, implementation, and the improvement of PRTR programmes, links to PRTR guidance documents are also provided.

Instructions on how to access the PRTR guidance manuals and documents

The guidance manuals and documents available from this site can be accessed by the document links provided below. A description that summarizes the content of the different documents available is also provided.

Links to document and websites

About the Resource Centre

The Resource Centre is updated on a regular basis to include additional and new documents available.

The Task Force on PRTRs is interested in obtaining your feedback to improve the Resource Centre. You can provide your comments, suggestions, and identify document links that are no longer valid by using the Contact Us feature that is available at the bottom of this page.

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